2015, Москва
Идея: Андрей Виниченко, Дмитрий Гребенкин
Проект: Михаил Ларин, Елена Гусельникова, Дмитрий Гребенкин, Андрей Виниченко
Презентационные материалы: Дмитрий Гребенкин
SREDA was appointed as the masterplanner and concept supervisor for the suburban residential area in Moscow. The development comprises a rich mix of modern urban style residential houses settled in a saturated landscape with complex hilly terrain inspired by the neighbouring golf field.
The practice made the layout scheme, proposed all aspects
of the further project and worked alongside landscape architects from SLA to achieve the client’s objectives. Grass slopes, rockfaces, flow of water, intimate and safe natural terrain, were the key points of design which was intent on creating the touch of wild nature in a highly developed suburban area.